Wanna write more productively?
2 Things You Need to Stop Doing this year

It makes zero sense that sometimes getting started on something you want to do can be hard. But we blimmin' humans can make starting something important even harder by getting in our own way.

So no matter whether you’re getting back to an existing project or starting something new – let me help you get back in that saddle…

Here are 2 things you need to stop doing this year to make your writing journey easier.

1. Stop making your writing goal so huge that it’s overwhelming.

The more you think about what you want to write, the bigger it can balloon in your head. When you've made the idea of even starting your story so massive doubts and negative scenarios about what MIGHT happen start to pop up and the prospect of starting your project becomes overwhelming. (Everyone has a different fear threshold – for some people the idea of finishing and entering a short story competition is enough to make them break into a sweat.)

So how about you keep it small?

Work out exactly where you want to go this year and logically work out the steps you need to do to get there.

Instead of letting your thinking go into overdrive, get information from other writers who have already achieved what you want to achieve. It’s pretty easy to find other writers today and read/talk about their process.

PLUS ask yourself this question: What, realistically, is the worst that could happen if you start writing your project?

You’ll realize that in most cases the worst thing that could happen isn’t actually that catastrophic after all.

Need help defining your 2024 writing goal? Check out our 5 Day Challenge.

2. Stop trying to control everything.

Prepping, training, researching and knowing stuff certainly helps writers get where they want to go. BUT overthinking, being hypercritical and over-editing just to avoid making a mistake is not going to get you where you want to go.

Instead just realize and ACCEPT that you're a human being who is going to make some mistakes in your work and that is just how things are.

You'll make mistakes every time you try something new or get out of your comfort zone. It has happened to every writer (and person) you admire. It’s just part of life.

PLUS rethink mistakes! The positive part about making a mistake in your work or career, no matter how painful, is that you get the opportunity to reflect on what you learnt from that mistake. This is going to help you grow as a writer and help you avoid making that mistake again.

Box on good people!

Want to be a more productive writer? Dive into our brand new book! Check it out here.