How the Suckiest Writing Year Can Empower Your Year!

So how WAS your writing year?

Was it truly amazing or truly goddamn awful?

No matter which way the scales tipped for you this year – the good news is that you can use both your 2022 highs and lows to inform and empower you in your year ahead. The first step in planning is after all to REFLECT...

So clap your eyes on 12 provocative questions below and start planning your ideal writing year.

Grab a pen and a piece of paper. Settle somewhere quiet and spend the next 15 minutes digging into what worked for you and what didn’t.

Q1: What was your writing goal this year – and did you achieve it? Yes or no.

Q2: What else did you achieve writing-wise in the past year? (Don’t forget the little wins.)

Q3: What’s the one thing you’re most proud of this year? (It doesn’t have to be massive.)

Q4: What was your biggest writing disappointment in the past year?

Q5: Craft wise, what (if anything) did you get better at?

Q6: If you didn’t achieve your goal this year, why was that do you think?

Now knowing what you know - let’s dig a little deeper and get solutions focused…

(Need help defining your new writing goal? Take our Define & Activate 5 Day Challenge)

Q1: So what is your main writing goal this year? And what will you do differently to achieve it?

Q2: What did you learn about your writing process last year that can help your process this year?

Q3: What did you learn about yourself as a writer last year? And how will that knowledge inform your year to come?

Q4: Craft wise, what’s the one thing you want to get better at this year? How are you going to do that?

Q5: Thinking about the aforementioned disappointment, what actions can you take to avoid a similar disappointment this year?

Q6: What’s the one change you can make this year that will help you achieve your writing goal?

Best of British with your writing this year, folks!

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